From August 2026 The Mary Erskine School and Stewart’s Melville College will be one co-ed school for 3–18-year-olds, called Erskine Stewart Melville.

Welcome to the Sixth Form

The Sixth Form experience at Erskine Stewart Melville is a year like no other. It offers our young adults all the tools they need to succeed academically, personally and professionally. Whether they choose to pursue higher education, enter the workforce, or follow their own unique creative path, they leave us with everything they need to lead fulfilling, successful lives.

As our students prepare for the big step of leaving school, we make a number of small, but important, adjustments in preparation. In Sixth Form, the academic side of life is designed to closely mirror a higher education environment. Students are divided into small tutor groups with a personal tutor who directs them towards independent and creative modes of thinking, writing and learning. Tutors also offer help with UCAS statements, preparing for university interviews and providing references.


gain admission to their firm choice university


clubs and societies


with personal tutors

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We are proud to offer our Sixth Formers a real range of courses, many of which cannot be studied elsewhere.

Why Join Erskine Stewart Melville Sixth Form?

Dedicated Sixth Form Spaces

The experience outside the classroom also looks a little different. Our Sixth Formers enjoy access to our custom-built Common Room, which give them space to relax, chat with friends over a coffee and meet with their tutors and peers. Our Sixth Form Study Areas offer quiet places for reading and research.

Why Join Erskine Stewart Melville Sixth Form?

Varied and Exciting Subject Choices

We are proud to offer our Sixth Formers a real range of courses, many of which cannot be studied elsewhere. Whether it’s to pick up more Highers to ensure entry to top-tier Universities, or take a subject they haven't had the chance to explore yet, our students can choose from a broad range of courses, from accountancy to fashion and textiles.

Why Join Erskine Stewart Melville Sixth Form?

Extraordinary Opportunities

Whether developing teamwork skills on the sports field, building resilience through outdoor adventures, expressing creativity through music and drama, or expanding their knowledge and skills in one of our clubs, our co-curricular activities are designed to enrich academic learning and support personal development. They help students to become well-rounded individuals who are confident, resilient, and prepared for life's challenges.

Careers Guidance and Support

We know that to thrive, students need to find a path which motivates and excites them. Our dedicated Careers department start working with students from as early as S2, and come Sixth Form, they have come to know our students very well.
Working in partnership with the students and their parents, our team provide expert guidance about the best path to take. Whether it’s through 1:2:1 tutor and guidance support, networking with our former students or attending bespoke Higher Education seminars and conferences, our students have a strong support network to lean on and to be inspired by.

Careers & Higher Education

Leadership Opportunities

All Sixth Formers become prefects. Whether they are helping with student supervision at lunchtimes, representing the school at external events, or acting as a buddy for a younger student, these responsibilities allow the students to find their leadership style and develop confidence. Our Sixth Formers also play a big role in supporting the wider community, through fundraising and volunteering, all of which is driven by the students themselves.

Leavers Destinations

Our leavers are our greatest asset, showing our younger students what is possible and inspiring us through their successes. Whether it’s securing a place at a top University, setting up their own business, or taking on a challenging apprenticeship with a specific career in mind, their chosen paths never fail to excite us.

University courses chosen this past year included everything from Law, Medicine and Zoology to Product Design Engineering, Neuroscience and Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.

Find out more about our Leavers Destinations

By the time they leave us, they are equipped with the knowledge, skills and mindset to thrive and shape a better world.

Book a Visit

The best way to see if Erskine Stewart Melville Sixth Form feels like the right fit for your family is to come in and meet us.